Monday, April 11, 2011

To Pick or Not To Pick...

The topic of discussion today goes by many names: zit, pimple, blemish, blackhead, pustule, acne, breakout, bump, whitehead, monstrosity and my favourite, that thing on your face! Not only is it important to spot the difference between them all but most importantly, how to take care of them. This is basically the "what to do when you get a breakout" mini manual that everyone out there should remember.

First off, what is a breakout/zit?

A breakout essentially happens when your skin produces an substantial amount of oil which gets trapped in your pores. These pores are called sebaceous glands. Mixed with dirt, bacteria and/or makeup and you have a deadly concoction! Periodically, the outer layer of your skin sheds like it's supposed to as it makes way for newer skin. When this happens your dead skin cells get left behind and begin to meet and mingle with the oil. Unfortunately, it's like a houseguest that never leaves and before you know it you have a blockage, even though you just don't see it yet. As per normal, your sebaceous glands end up secreting oil only this time it begins to build up behind the blockage which harbours bacteria that is responsible for causing infection and the infamous and sometimes painful inflammation related to a zit.

What to do with your monstrosity

It's probably not even all that bad but please, and I beg of you when I say this, don't pick it! I know you're not going to listen to me anyway, but hey, at least I tried right? Picking it will only make it worse, as I am sure you have heard this from your mom, or even your dermatologist. When you pop it, you can cause bacteria to spread which in turn will make the breakout worse or even add more to the clan. Worst of all though, it can leave behind a scar and what's worse then being reminded of the lil bugger in the first place...nothing really, so a little bit of patience goes a long way.

Even though I just mentioned why you shouldn't pick your zit, if you must, 'cause I know you're cringing right now thinking of this, try popping after a hot shower. This will almost feel like a fresh steaming to the skin and will facilitate easier removal of any pustules. Remember though, if it is resistant, don't push it! It's just not ready yet and you don't want to be left with a scar or a noticeably red spot on the face.  Try a spot treatment of tea tree or lavendar oil, which are great for their anti-bacterial properties. Don't let the word oil scare you though, not all oils are bad for the skin. Most importantly, I'd like to add that you should only get your skin treated by a professional such as a dermatologist or an aesthetician - leave the picking for them. These are professionals who have the right equipment and are trained in taking care and knowing what's best for you skin.

What not to do so you can minimize breakouts

Don't go to bed with makeup. To add to that, don't go to bed without washing your face. That said, don't wash it more than twice a day - it's a happy medium for your skin and that's what it needs! Washing your skin before bedtime ensures you've taken off the days filth and grime that you've accumulated throughout the day. Our face gets the most exposure than any other parts of our bodies so it's no surprise to know that on a daily basis it can show signs of environmental damage and be exposed to pollution, dust and even the bacteria from your hands! So, do you really want to go to bed with all that? Makes you think twice doesn't it?

Washing your skin too much or using products with man-made alcohols or surfactants dries out your skin. I know you might be thinking that this is good, and the oily skin types are clapping their hands enthusiastically, however, I'm sorry to break this to you, it's not. When your skin is excessively dried out or rather stripped of its natural oils, your skin thinks it needs to come to your rescue and in doing so begins to overcompensate by producing more oil than you need, which in turn can cause a breakout to occur - sounds like a vicious cycle.

I recommend the website It has great information in detail as well as illustrations and pictures of the different kinds of acne.

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